Tying Machines

Excellence meets Know-How.
Since over 100 years.

SIEBECK tying machines prove themselves in more than 50 countries all over the world, on all continents.

Future needs Tradition

… and for SIEBECK that goes all the way back to the year 1907.

At that time, the Eberbacher Dampf-Seilerwaren-Fabrik produced agricultural binding products such as sisal harvesting twine and so called sheaf band as well as cattle rope and highgrade harness straps for horsedrawn carriages.

Siebeck Quality

Today, tying machines from SIEBECK prove themselves both in the meat industry as well as in many other branches of industry on all continents.

Especially there, where high performance with minimum effort for maintenance and service is required.

Heart and soul of every SIEBECK machine is the tried and tested JET knotter system, which has already proven reliable more than 10,000 times worldwide.

Our tying twines made of cotton garanty a 100% plastic free and eco-friendly alternative compared to other tying and packaging solutions.

Full Automation

Developed especially for industrial automation and ideal for high volume production.

Universal Use

Food industry, timber industry, forestry, nursery, print products, cardboard boxes and much more.


User friendly operation, product compatible, flexible configuration. Quality for over 100 years.


10,000 Siebeck knotting units

have proven themselves over decades by their quality and reliability in the world market and are nationally as well as internationally


We are happy to assist you with any questions and requests.

Please get in touch via email, phone or simply use our contact form.